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You can now access our full MiniKitchens Assembly Instructions online.

Our small kitchen kits also come with full printed assembly instructions and our team are available to answer any questions on 0800 789 223.

Work through our instructions step-by-step!

At the bottom of each assembly page you will find navigation buttons that will return you to this Main Assembly Menu, take you back to the previous step, or forward to the next step.

Jump to the section you require using the menu headings below.

Please review safety instructions prior to commencing unpacking and assembly of your MiniKitchen.


SAFETY Essential reading prior to unpacking your MiniKitchen and starting the assembly process.
TOOLS Lists all the Tools you will need to successfully assemble your MiniKitchen.
CAM SYSTEM How to insert and align the all parts of the Cam System.
STEP ONE Unpacking your MiniKitchen and identifying Hardware.
STEP TWO Assembling the Base.
STEP THREE Assembling the Cupboard Partitions and Top and Back Rails.
STEP FOUR Fitting the Stainless Steel Sink Insert.
STEP FIVEInstalling the Bench Top.
STEP SIXAdding the Left Hand Side Panel.
STEP SEVENAdding the Back Panel.
STEP EIGHTAdding the Top Panel.
STEP NINEAdding the Right Hand Side Panel or Middle Vertical Panel.
STEP TENAdding the Large Side Cupboard. (For models K109 Ergo and K120 Ergo only).
STEP ELEVENAdding the Large Side Cupboard Side Panel. (For models K109 Ergo and K120 Ergo only).
STEP TWELVEAdding the Microwave Shelf.
STEP THIRTEENAssembly and installation of the Roller Shutter.
STEP FOURTEENFitting the Plate Racks.
STEP FIFTEENFitting the Utensil Rail.
STEP SIXTEENFitting the Stainless Steel Splash Back.
STEP SEVENTEENAssembling and fitting the Cupboard Doors.
STEP EIGHTEENMounting the Cupboard Door Handles.
STEP NINETEENFitting the Rubbish Bin.